Cancellation due to a death

In case you booked before the 18th of October 2019 or didn't choose your fare type when booking, your refund depends on the carriers. It might be possible to cancel the booking due to the death of the passenger or an immediate family member.

To apply for a refund, sign in. Open a particular trip, click “Refunds and Cancellations” at the top of the page, and you’ll see further instructions.

Once you submit the refund application, we’ll contact the carriers, and claim any possible refund for you.

What documents do I need to attach?
You’ll need to provide us with an official death certificate with a stamp. 

If possible, send us the death certificate in English. Most carriers do not accept other languages.
We cannot accept an obituary notice instead of a death certificate. 
Death of a relative
Please provide us with proof of your relationship with the deceased together with the death certificate.

You can attach a birth certificate or marriage certificate, for example.

What if I don't see a possibility to cancel due to death?
If you booked after the 18th of October 2019, your refund most probably depends on the fare type you chose during booking. You do not need to attach any documents.
See Refunds and cancellations for more info.

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