What is Flexi Cancel?

You can cancel your trip up to 48 hours before the journey. We don't offer partial cancellations, so it's only possible to cancel the whole itinerary for all passengers. 

If you cancel, you’ll get back 80% of the ticket costs (this includes the ticket fare, seating & baggage fees, and the prices of other services offered by the carrier). 
If you buy a ticket for €200 with baggage for €50 and Flexi Cancel for €100,
you would get €200 back if you choose to cancel your trip. 
You can choose how to receive it — either as a monetary refund or in Kiwi.com Credit.

What if I don’t add Flexi Cancel?

You can still cancel your trip with us up to 48 hours before the journey. For Saver Tickets without Flexi Cancel, we’ll keep the recovered refunds as the cancellation fee. If your booking cost more than €20, you’ll get a €10 refund in Kiwi.com Credit.

Can I cancel with the carriers directly?

You might also choose not to cancel your ticket with us, and go directly to the carriers. But their policies and the way we book trips vary, so it might not always be possible to get a refund. 
If you successfully claim a refund from the carriers, they might send it to our bank account — to speed things up, please let us know and we’ll forward it to you as soon as possible.

You’ll find the details in sections 7.3 and 8.3.5 of our Terms & Conditions.

How to cancel your trip

You can cancel your trip and request a refund via your Kiwi.com account. Sign in, open your trip, and click "Refunds and cancellations" at the top of the page.

You can find more information about cancellations in our How can I cancel my trip for a refund? article.

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