Can I pick seats or add extras during check-in?

We don’t offer an option to select seats or add other extras when you add your details for our online check-in service. But you can easily add these up to 48h before your trip (36h for baggage) on your trip page.
We recommend adding the extras when you book your trip, it’s usually cheaper. Some airlines charge higher fees afterwards. And you might also need to pay our service fee depending on the service package you picked during booking.
You might also have fewer options closer to the departure — seats might be already allocated and some services, like cabin baggage with priority boarding, might sell out.

What if I don’t select my seats in advance? 

Your seats will be automatically allocated during check-in. You’ll see your seat number on your boarding pass.
Tip: If you want to sit with your fellow travelers, we strongly advise you to select your seats in advance. Some budget airlines deliberately split the travelers unless you pay for the seat allocation. We unfortunately can’t affect this.

What if I check in directly with the airline?  

If you check in with the airline, you might be able to pick a seat during check-in. But most airlines charge a fee for this service.
How do I check in with the airline?
It might also be possible to add baggage when you check in with the airline online. But you shouldn’t add it if you booked a no-checked-bag itinerary with us. You might face difficulties at the airport.

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