Cabin baggage

Cabin baggage is also known as carry-on or hand luggage. You take it through security into the plane and keep it close to you, either under the seat or in the overhead compartment.
COVID-19 safety measures
Some carriers are temporarily adjusting their cabin baggage policies to reduce physical contact between travelers and their belongings. Cabin bags that don't fit under the seat on board need to be checked in. Please check the details on the webpage of the carrier(s) before traveling.
How to add more baggage
  • If the airline allows more baggage to be added to your booking, you can do this with Manage My Booking.
Quantity and dimensions
  • Check your e-ticket or Manage My Booking for details about the quantity and dimensions of the items you’re allowed to bring.
    • This info is also shown on the booking page before you pay.
  • Most airlines allow one cabin bag and one personal item. But this varies from airline to airline. 
Cabin baggage tips
  • It's best to transport your electronic items in your cabin baggage.
  • Be careful not to pack prohibited items in your cabin baggage, like liquids/gels and anything sharp.
  • It's safer to keep your valuables in your cabin baggage rather than in your checked baggage.

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