Traveling by bus or train

We offer trains and buses as a means of transportation, or as a way to combine and connect parts of your journey to flights. They can be covered by the Guarantee, provide cost savings, and are a sustainable alternative to air travel. When searching for a destination, you can filter your search to include trains and buses.

Transferring from an airport to a train or bus 
If your itinerary includes a flight in addition to a train or bus ride, the train or bus station will be at the airport, allowing you enough time to transfer (check your airport’s website for the exact location of the station). You’ll see the full name of the station in your trip details and on your e-ticket.  
Just like with flights, we use IATA codes for train and bus stations. When you have a transfer, the code of your airport and train or bus station should be the same. 
Seating and platforms
We sell second-class tickets because it’s the most popular and cost effective form of travel. If there is assigned seating, your number will be displayed on your e-ticket. Information about the train or bus number will be visible on your e-ticket if available, and at the station along with the platform at the time of your departure.

Check your e-ticket for information about what documentation you’ll need to bring to be able to board. In some cases for example, you’ll only need to provide your reservation number. However, if a carrier ticket is necessary, we’ll be sure to send it to you after you’ve booked your trip. 

Additional services 
We don’t currently offer services such as meals, seat selection, and special assistance on bus and train journeys. 

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