Privacy Policy of

We at take your privacy very seriously. Currently, we comply with the Regulation No. 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation, also known as GDPR, which sets the highest privacy and data protection standard in the world. In this Privacy Policy we explain what data we collect from you, why we collect it, how we use it and with whom we might share it. It also explains what rights you as a data subject have and how you can fulfill them.

This Privacy Policy applies to any data processing done by us in connection to the use of our services, both through our website and through our mobile applications for iOS and Android.

Who are we?

We, as the Data Controller, are the company s.r.o., with a registered office at Rohanské nábřeží 678/25, 186 00, Prague 8-Karlín, Czech Republic, Company ID No.: 29352886, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, File No. C 387231, Tax ID No. CZ29352886.

Some terms that we use in this Privacy Policy

Personal Data: any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable natural person. That means that if we possess means to identify either you or even the device you're using, any information that we can connect to you will be treated as Personal Data.

Data Controller: someone that determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data. For example, we are a Data Controller when we process your Personal Data for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy.If you choose to book a ticket through our website or app, we will be sending your Personal Data to another Data Controller – the carrier or the provider of other services – who will again use your Personal Data for its own purposes. Each Data Controller should have a Privacy Policy such as this one where you can learn about how your Personal Data is processed. You can see the overview of Data Controllers with whom we might share the data below.

Data Processor: a third party that only helps to achieve the purposes determined by the Data Controller. For example, we as a Data Controller use many third-party services to which we outsource some parts of our activities that we don’t do ourselves for various reasons such as cost-efficiency. A Data Processor is only allowed to process your Personal Data according to our documented instructions.

Third Countries: countries in which the GDPR regime is not applicable. Currently, by Third Countries, we mean all countries that lie outside of the European Economic Area.

What Personal Data do we collect?

We collect your Personal Data directly from you, either when you provide us your Personal Data or gather them by ourselves when you use our services or you are in touch with us. Depending on the processing purpose, we may process the following categories of Personal Data:

Identification information Information used to identify you as a natural person, such as your name, surname, gender, nationality, billing address, and date of birth, and artificial online identifier created by us, such as ID.
Contact information Information used to contact you, such as your email address and telephone number.
Your online behavior while interacting with us Your behavior on our website and in our app, i.e. what you visited, how long you stayed, what you clicked on, etc. We also track your interactions with the emails and notifications that we send you, such as if you open the email or if you click on any of the links that it contains.
Device and network metadata Information about the device that you used to access our website or the device on which our app is installed, your network connection metadata, and also information derived from these data. This information includes, for example, your operating system, web browser, screen resolution, IP address, etc.
Precise location The precise location of your device based on the data provided by the geolocation technology of your device. We will only process this Personal Data if you give us your specific consent and it is necessary to provide you with some feature of our website or app which requires access to the precise location of your device, e.g., sending you relevant information about your trip based on your current location. It also might be necessary to access the information about your precise location in the background, i.e., even if you don’t have the app open. You will always be informed about this when giving your consent.
Account information The settings and other data which you generate while using the Account, such as the price alerts, search history, specific settings, profile picture, the login details which you use to log into the Account, i.e. the email and password (we never store the passwords in a non-encrypted form), preferred choices and other details saved in Account.
Information about your order(s) Details of your order, i.e., all that you choose in the order form and what you later change or purchase as an addition to the original order. If you order a special assistance service or if you submit a cancellation request out of medical reasons, we will process your health data as necessary for the provision of these services.
Travel document information Number and expiration date of the ID or Passport (depending on which one you give us).
Payment information Information which you give us to execute the payment. Usually, this means the payment card details. We never store the payment card details in a non-encrypted form. If you choose to store your payment card details in your Account or within the app, we will keep this Personal Data for your future purchases.
Documents necessary to be provided with the brokered service Documents that we get from the provider of the service which we broker for you, such as the boarding passes or the e-tickets.
Information about your requests and your communication with us All of the text and voice communications exchanged between you and in connection to your requests (e.g., customer support cases), metadata, and notes generated by our systems and agents.
Your settings Some settings of the website or in the app which you have made, such as the language, preferred choices like currency, destination and others, or cookie settings.
Your settings also include flight ancillary preferences, such as baggage and seating, set within your Account or stored from your previous Bookings. You can always adjust your flight ancillary preferences in your Account. In subsequent Bookings, we will give you the option to apply all your saved flight ancillary preferences at once to save you time.
Reviews & feedback Rating of your experience with product or services, incl. answers to specific questions on this topic and general feedback or content of a review. Credit & Promo codes Whenever you are awarded Credit or Promo codes, we’ll store the information about the amount, currency, and expiration of your Credit or Promo codes in your account.

For what purposes do we use your Personal Data?


Whenever you access our website or app, we process your Personal Data for the purposes defined below:

Delivering the functionalities of the website We will process your Personal Data so that we're able to deliver you the functionalities of our website and also that we're able to personalize our website to make your interaction with us easier and more efficient. Your online behavior while interacting with us
Device and network metadata
Your settings
General location
Identification information
Information about your Booking(s)
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Delivery of product features).
Delivering the functionalities of the app For some features of our app, we need to process your Personal Data on our side. We will also process your Personal Data to personalize our app for you to make your interaction with us easier and more efficient. Sometimes, we also need to access some specific data about your device (such as the precise location). We will always ask you whether you agree to share any such data with us when it first becomes relevant (e.g., you open the feature which requires access to additional data). Contact details
Your settings
General location
Precise location
Other data requested by the app
Payment data
Identification information
Information about your Booking(s)
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Delivery of product features).
Art. 6.1(a) - consent
Product development, service improvement, and business development We constantly strive to improve our product and services. To be able to do that, we need precise data about your interactions with us. Therefore, we collect data about the occurrence of any technical issues, data about your device and your network identifiers along with your behavior on our website and in the app and your general use of our services. We analyze all this data and use it to create or modify our features and processes. We use data also to grow our business. Whenever we need to reach a business decision, we look at data that is generated by our most important variable — our customers. Your online behavior while interacting with us
Device and network metadata
Information about your Booking(s)
Information about your requests and your communication with us
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Improvement of our product and services, Business development). Account If you create the Account, we will process your Personal Data as necessary to deliver you all the features it includes, in accordance with the Terms of Use. The scope of the processed Personal Data will change depending on what details you decide to save. If you use third party SSO accounts (e.g., Facebook, Google) for signing into Account, the account providers are informed about it and we obtain your Personal Data from them. Likewise, if you create your account through a website of some of our partners, we will receive the Personal Data from this partner.
We will use the data from your past Bookings to offer you to prefill some of the information for your future Bookings.
When making a Booking we can also prefill your Contact information from your Account.
We also use your Personal Data for the purpose of Authentication for Google Play services.
Contact information
Account information
Identification information
Payment information
Information about your Booking(s) Credit & Promo codes
Your settings
Art. 6.1(b) - necessity for the conclusion and performance of a contract (Terms of Use).
Direct marketing To provide you with the best offers and to maximize our marketing efficiency, we process your Personal Data for the purposes of direct marketing (sending commercial communication and related processing activities). We do so if you subscribed to our offers (on the basis of your consent) or if you used our services and have not rejected (opt-out) our offers. Besides your contact details, we also keep data like your transaction and travel history, travel preferences, and other data about your interaction with us that help us with customer segmentation and personalization of these offers. For example, we might tailor a special offer just for you based on your previous Bookings.
We will never share your contact details with other Data Controllers without your knowledge, and we will only contact you with offers that are linked to our main business.
Your online behavior while interacting with us
Account information
Device and network metadata
Identification information (if entered into the fields)
Contact details (if entered into the fields)
Your settings
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Direct marketing).
Art 6.1(a) - consent.
You can always unsubscribe (exercise your right to object to direct marketing or withdraw your consent) and check your subscription status through the links below every email newsletter that you get from us.
Online advertisement To provide you with the best offers and to maximize our marketing efficiency, we also display ads on and third-party websites that are tailored for you based on your Personal Data. It might, therefore, happen that you will see advertisements that offer booking of transportation via elsewhere on the internet.
Advertisement networks. Besides our internal marketing database, we also use various third-party advertisement networks, such as Google Ads. These networks allow us to show you relevant ads on different places around the internet. This is done by assigning you an encrypted identifier and storing it in a cookie on your device. When you go to a website that is served ads via one of the companies working with our partner ad network, they will recognize this identifier and show you offers according to our specifications.
Targeting on third-party platforms. To reach our users with our offers, we also use third-party platforms, such as Meta for Business or Google Ads. When you visit our website and book with us, we share an encrypted identifier (e.g. encrypted email address) with these platforms' providers allowing them to match your profile on these platforms with our records. Because of this, we can show you tailored offers directly on these platforms using their advertising services. So, for example, if you search for a flight on, don’t buy it, and the price goes down, we might show you an offer for this specific flight on third-party websites. These platforms are: Facebook (Meta for Business) by Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd, Google Search (Google Ads) by Google Ireland Limited, and TikTok by TikTok Technology Limited. If you don’t have a profile on these platforms, they won’t receive any information about you.
Lookalike features. Some of the advertisement services which we use, namely Meta for Business and Google Ads, also provide the so-called “lookalike audiences” features. These features allow us to find users who might be interested in our services based on similarities to our existing users. We are then again able to target those users with our offers. This means that if you give us your consent, these services will analyze your profiles and find us other profiles based on common attributes. When using these features, we never gain direct access to any personal data or the profiles - this is all done by the service providers in the background and we only get the option to target our ads to a wider audience.
Your online behavior while interacting with us
Account information
Device and network metadata
Your settings
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Direct marketing).
Marketing analytics To improve our marketing campaigns in general, we perform analyses to help us see which campaigns work and how they contribute to our conversion rates. Additionally, we analyze your interactions with to send you offers that will be relevant for you. Your online behavior while interacting with us
Device and network metadata
General location
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Direct marketing).
Establishment and exercise of legal claims and defence against them To be able to exercise our legal claims arising out of your use of our website/app in breach of our Terms of Use or use in breach of some statutory obligation and to be able to defend ourselves against legal claims raised by you, we will store your Personal Data for at least 4 years from the point of your use of the website / app. Identification information
Your online behavior while interacting with us
Device and network metadata
Account information
Contact details (if entered into the fields)
Your settings
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Protection of our legal rights).
Information security To protect ourselves against various security threats that try to exploit vulnerabilities in our security and hurt our business, and to protect our users against unauthorized use of Accounts, we need to process Personal Data of our users. To this end, we collect and process the Personal Data of our users and, in some cases, also share it with the providers of our third-party information security solutions, such as CloudFlare.
We also process your Personal Data so we are able to show you and allow you to stop your active sessions - Account Takeover (ATO) Protection.
Your online behavior while interacting with us Device and network metadata
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of and our users (Security).
Collection and assessment of feedback Sometimes we ask you to rate your experience with, provide us with your feedback, or leave a review on a third-party customer review website. We will store and evaluate all this data in order to improve our product and services. Identification information
Contact details
Reviews & feedback
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Improvement of product and services).


When you order any of our services, we will continue to process your Personal Data for the purposes explained above. The scope of the processed Personal Data for these purposes will, however, also include the Information about your Booking(s) and Information about your requests and your communication with us. Besides this, we will process your Personal Data for the following purposes:

Ordering & Provision of services The main reason we collect and use your Personal Data is to conclude an agreement with you and to provide you the services you have ordered. Depending on the extent to which you use our services, we will process your Personal Data in a way that is necessary to enter into and fulfill our Agreement as described in our Terms & Conditions. The services that we provide include, primarily, the brokering of a contract of carriage and related services between you and the selected carrier. We may also process your Personal Data for this purpose when providing you with the service of enforcement of your claims against carriers.
To achieve this purpose, we need to share your Personal Data with the carriers with whom you will enter into a contract of carriage and, in some cases, also with operators of ticket marketplaces, such as the Global Distribution Systems. Additionally, to pay for the tickets, we will use your name and surname to generate a single-use virtual payment card, which we use for the financial settlement with the transport provider.
If you order additional service Special assistance or when you ask us for a refund due to health issues, we will process your Personal Data concerning health. In the case of the Special assistance service, we will share it with the carrier of your choice. During the ordering process, you will be asked to give your explicit consent with the processing of this Personal Data. You can always withdraw your consent through this form: However, please note that if you withdraw the consent with the processing of your Personal Data for the purpose of the Special Assistance additional service, we won't be able to provide you with any subsequent support related to this service.
It may also happen that you choose to order another service that we or our partners offer on our website or in our app, such as insurance or accommodation. We will process your Personal Data as required to enter into a contract with you and to provide you with the ordered service or (if the service is provided by our partner) to enable you to enter into the contract with the service provider and to do our part in the contractual relationship between you and the third-party service provider.
Identification information
Contact information
Information about your Booking(s)
Passport or ID card information
Passport or ID card copy
Payment information
Documents necessary to be provided with the brokered service
Art. 6.1(b) - necessity for the conclusion and performance of a contract (Terms and Conditions).
Fraud prevention When you book a ticket or order any other service through our website or app, during the payment transaction, we use a third-party service that helps us prevent fraudulent behavior. This is a very common process that happens nearly every time you order something online. For this to be possible, we will transfer your Personal Data momentarily to a third-party provider of fraud-checking service. However, this is not something to worry about, the whole transaction is completely secure, and we use one of the best and most common fraud-prevention tools. These third-party service providers (currently we use products from the company Forter, Inc. ) use the Personal Data, which they collect to build a database of online fraudulent behavior. They then compare this database with the behavior of the end-users of their clients. Whenever they detect similar behavioral signs, they can tell the clients to reject payments done by fraudsters.
Furthermore, to prevent attempts for fraudulent chargebacks, if you report fraudulent purchase through your bank, we might check your social media to see, whether you have some sort of connection to the person who ordered the ticket to make sure that it is not an attempt to get the money for the ticket back by fraud. We will only process limited information about your connection to the person, who ordered the ticket, and whether you, by any chance, have not published some information connected to the journey (e.g., photos from the airport taking a flight).
Identification information
Contact information
Information about your Booking(s)
Payment information
Your online behavior while interacting with us
Device and network information
Publicly available information related to your Booking
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of and the e-commerce industry in general (Fraud prevention).
Customer support Customer support is a big part of our services. We will record all of our communication through all channels, such as email, chat, and phone calls, in order to provide you with the service that you require. Part of our customer support is also helping our customers with potential legal issues with the carriers (in case of missed flights and similar situations). For this, we have partnered with a third-party service provider. When you have a legal problem, we will send this provider your email address, and you will be contacted with an offer to help you exercise your claims. We also use third-party AI services to help our agents with the resolution of your cases. For example, when you contact us, we may use these tools to summarize the previous communication between you and other agents to have a quick overview of the case’s history. For certain requests, our AI assistant may provide an immediate response. In such cases, you will always be informed about the AI assistant's involvement. If any action is taken by the AI assistant based on your request, you will be asked to confirm that action before it is finalized. Identification information
Contact information
Information about your Booking(s)
Passport or ID card information
Passport or ID card copy
Information about your requests and your communication with us
Art. 6.1(b) - necessity for the conclusion and performance of a contract (Terms and Conditions).
Sharing information with metasearch engines If you get to our booking page through a third-party search engine (so-called metasearch), we will let the operator of this metasearch know that you have successfully finished the booking, which you have found on their site. Contact details
Information about your Booking(s)
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of the metasearch (Business operations).
Establishment and exercise of legal claims and defense against them We store and process your Personal Data to establish and exercise legal claims, or defend against them. Whenever you book a ticket or order any other service, we will keep all relevant data for potential future legal claims that you or we could have, especially in judicial and other proceedings and when recovering or selling claims you assigned to us, for at least 4 years from the point of the creation of the corresponding order. Similarly, if you send us a data protection request, we will also store all the data you give us and the data about our handling of the request for this purpose. Identification information
Contact information
Information about your Booking(s)
Passport or ID card information
Payment information
Your online behavior while interacting with us
Device and network information
Publicly available information related to your Booking
Information about your requests and your communication with us
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Protection of our legal rights).
Compliance with legal obligations We need to process some of your Personal Data to fulfill certain legal obligations that are applicable to us. Because this is a legal necessity, we do not need to obtain your consent for it. For this purpose, we will process your identification and contact information and information about your bookings. The main legal obligations we need to do this for arise from Act No. 89/2012 Coll, the Civil Code, Act No. 634/1992 Coll, on the protection of consumers, Act No. 235/2004 Coll, on Value Added Tax and Act. 563/1991 Coll, on Accounting. If you send us a data protection request to fulfill one of your rights, we will ask you for some personal data which we will then process to achieve compliance with the applicable law. Information about your Booking(s)
Information about your requests and your communication with us
Art. 6.1(c) - necessity for compliance with legal obligations to which is subject.


If someone orders a service from for you (for example, books a flight ticket with your name), we will process your Personal Data, even if you're not a direct customer. Your Personal Data will be processed for the following purposes:

Ordering & Provision of services If someone orders our services for you, we will process your Personal Data as necessary for the provision of this service. Identification information
Contact information
Information about your Booking(s) Passport or ID card information
Passport or ID card copy
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Provision of services).
User account — saved traveler When someone orders service for you and has a Account, we will offer them to store your Personal Data for the easier ordering of other services for you in the future. If we are provided with your email, we will send you information about this and in case you disagree, you may choose to delete your data. Identification information
Contact information
Passport or ID card information
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of your legitimate interest (Simplification of future bookings).
Establishment and exercise of legal claims and defense against them To be able to defend ourselves against legal claims raised by you in connection with our provision of the services, we will store your Personal Data for at least 4 years from the point of the creation of the corresponding Booking. Identification information
Contact information
Information about your Booking(s)
Passport or ID card information
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Protection of our legal rights).
Delivering the functionalities of the website and the app If someone interacts with the website or the app to order services for you, we will process your Personal Data so that we're able to personalize our website or app for this person to make their interaction with us easier and more efficient. For example, we can personalize the booking process when we know that you travel as a group. Identification information
Information about your Booking(s)
Art. 6.1(f) - necessity for the purposes of legitimate interest of (Delivery of product features).

Who do we share your Personal Data with and why?

Sharing data with other Data Controllers

In some cases, we will share your Personal Data with third parties for their purposes. For example, we send your data to the carriers with which you, through our brokerage services, enter into a contract of carriage and whose identity will be made known to you before you enter into the agreement with us or with a provider of other services under the same conditions. In some cases, we also share your Personal Data with the operators ticket marketplaces, such as the Global Distribution Systems.

This means that your Personal Data may be disclosed to selected carriers or providers of other services in Third Countries. You can learn more about transferring your data to Third Countries here.

Each selected carrier and provider of other services will treat your Personal Data in accordance with their own Privacy Policy (which is published on every carrier's website). Disclosure of Personal Data to all service providers will be done in accordance with the applicable Personal Data laws and regulations.

If you give us your consent through our cookie settings, we will share some of your data with our partners for marketing purposes.

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Sharing Data with Data Processors

There are many activities that we need completed but can't do by ourselves. Therefore, we use third-party partners to help us. In many such situations, the partners logically couldn't manage without your Personal Data. Because of this, we share it with them. However, in all cases like this, we remain controllers of your Personal Data and they act as processors.

That means that even though they are in possession of your data, they can only process it for our purposes and we are always in charge of it. They cannot under any circumstances use the data for their own purposes or to use the data in a way that would go against our agreement.

Furthermore, we only use partners that have given us sufficient guarantees that they comply with the legal requirements and that your data will be always kept safe.

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How long do we store your Personal Data?

In general, we will process your Personal Data until we don’t need it for any of the purposes defined in this Privacy Policy. Usually, we process your Personal Data for the duration of statutory limitation period, which is generally 3 years, plus an additional 1 year because of the time reserve necessary for delayed deliveries of notices and our additional actions.

For the purpose of legal obligations fulfillment, we process your Personal Data for the duration required by the applicable law, e.g. 10 years for archiving of invoices.

For the purpose of your user account, we will store your Personal Data for 5 years after the last action you performed by you while logged in.

For the purpose of personalized offers, you will periodically get email offers from us, and in every email, there will be a clear and easy way to unsubscribe and therefore object to this type of processing. We will keep and use your Personal Data for this purpose until you unsubscribe.

How to access and control your Personal Data?

We want you to always be in control of your Personal Data. To this end, you have certain rights that allow for it. Under certain conditions, you may:

  1. gain access to all your data that we use or processing, and even get a copy of all of it,
  2. ask us to delete your data,
  3. correct the data that we are processing if you think that there are mistakes,
  4. restrict the data processing,
  5. object to processing,
  6. receive your Personal Data in a commonly used and machine-readable format or to transmit this data to a different provider.

You can exercise your rights by sending us an email with your request through this form:

Please note, that in order to ensure the safety of your Personal Data, we will only comply with the requests that are sent from the email address used during the booking or ordering of a service. If someone else did the booking for you, we will request that you provide additional information to us (Booking ID, etc) to ensure that you are really the owner of the Personal Data in concern.

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Cookies & Similar technology

Cookies are small text files placed on your device that allow us to remember certain information about you for multiple purposes, such as delivering the functionalities of the website and app, Product development, service improvement, and business development, Account, Online advertisement, Marketing analytics, Information Security, Fraud prevention and Sharing information with metasearch engines.

Basically, on our site, you will encounter three types of cookies:

  1. Cookies that are strictly necessary for the operation of our website and provision of our services (these cannot be turned off),
  2. So-called “performance cookies”, i.e. cookies that we use for statistics in order to improve our services,
  3. Cookies that we use for marketing purposes.

You can turn off the cookies that are used for statistics and marketing purposes by setting your cookie preferences here.

You may always check and modify your preferences when it comes to digital advertising on the web pages of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA), at, or on the web pages of the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA), at

DO-NOT-TRACK: Currently, we don’t respond to the DNT setting in your browser.


SKYPICKER_AFFILIATECookie30 daysAffiliate ID used by
SKYPICKER_AFFILIATE_UIDCookie30 daysAffiliate ID parameter used by
SKYPICKER_VISITOR_UNIQIDCookie400 daysUnique user ID used by to identify the users.
__cfduidCookie30 daysThe _cfduid cookie helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to our websites and minimizes blocking legitimate users. It may be placed on the devices of our customers' End Users to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis.
__cfruidCookieSessionThis cookie is a part of the services provided by Cloudflare - Including load-balancing, deliverance of website content and serving DNS connection for website operators.
__kw_darwin_saved_groupsCookie400 daysThis cookie ensures user interface consistency across webpage visits.
__kw_darwin_saved_testsCookie400 daysThis cookie ensures user interface consistency across webpage visits.
__kwc_agreedCookie400 daysThis cookie is set to true when a user makes a choice in the privacy settings.
__kwc_settingsCookie400 daysThis cookie contains the specific privacy settings.
bookingSessionIdCookieSessionUnique identifier used by Riskified to prevent payment fraud.
cf_use_obCookie1 dayThis cookie allows the website to present the visitor with a notice that the website is under maintenance or inaccessible.
dealsSubscriptionFormSeenCookie400 daysUsed to check if the user has seen the subscription popup.
deeplinkIdCookieSessionThis cookie is used to store necessary information related to the fact that you came to our website via a link on a website of one of our affiliate partners.
fchkoutoolsDIDCookiePersistentUsed by Forter to prevent payment fraud.
fchkoutoolsSIDCookieSessionUsed by Forter to prevent payment fraud.
forced_brandCookie400 daysForced brand set by the URL parameter or debug modal.
forterTokenCookie400 daysThis cookie is necessary for the usage of a fraud prevention tool which is used for all payments on our website.
forterTokenCopyCookie400 daysThis cookie is necessary for the usage of a fraud prevention tool which is used for all payments on our website.
frame_ancestor_urlCookie400 daysUsed by Clicktripz which is an advertisement network which allows us to show you advertisement across different sites around the internet.
ftr_ncdCookie400 daysThis cookie is a necessary part of a fraud prevention tool used for all payments on our website.
google_play_services_authCookie400 daysUsed for authentication for Google play services
ignore_mobile_adCookie400 daysThis cookie is used to track the choice to close an advertisement on our website.
kw_languageCookieSessionThis cookie allows us to remember the language preference.
kw_marketCookieSessionThis cookie allows us to track the market country.
lastDealsDataStorageCookie400 daysUsed to store information to enable various functionalities of the “Deals” section of our website.
lastDealsResultsCookie400 daysUsed to store the list of the recent searches performed by our users.
lastRskxRunCookie400 daysUsed by Riskified to gather information which is used to identify and prevent payment fraud.
mapboxCookie400 daysUsed to provide maps and location searches
messagesSupportedByClientCookie1 dayThis cookie enables communication between mobile app and our website in order to ensure full functionality within the app.
ppwp_wp_sessionCookie1 dayThis cookie preserves user information across different pages that the user accesses.
preferred_currencyCookie400 daysThis cookie allows us to remember your currency preference.
preferred_languageCookie400 daysThis cookie allows us to remember your language preference.
rCookieCookie400 daysThis cookie registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website.
recentRedirectCookieSessionThis cookie retains information from the last visited page.
recentSearchCookie30 daysThis cookie retains information from the last search form.
recentSearchListCookieSessionThis cookie stores the list of the flights you recently searched for.
riskifiedCookie400 daysUsed for fraud and risk management
rskxRunCookieCookie400 daysThis cookie is used to gather information which is used to identify and prevent payment fraud.
search.form.recent_searchCookie400 daysThis cookie contains the latest filters you specified in the search form.
sentryCookie400 daysUsed to monitor and report technical issues of the app
simpleTokenCookie3600 secondsCookie used to store authentification data.
sub1ParamCookie30 daysCookie used for storing an affiliate partner identifier.
subscriptionFormSeenCookie400 daysUsed to check if the user has seen the subscription popup.
testEnvironmentCookie400 daysInternal cookie used by our developers to track various information related to the testing of our website.
test_cookieCookie1 dayThis cookie is used to check if the user's browser supports cookies.
ua_session_tokenCookie30 daysThis cookie is used to facilitate log-in process.
uiCookieSessionWe use this cookie to distinguish users who use a normal browser from those who display our website in the mobile webview.
viewedOuibounceModalCookieSessionThis cookie is used to retain information about whether a pop-up was already shown to the user.
wasMmbPopupModalOpened_#Cookie365 daysThis cookie is used to retain information about whether a pop-up was already shown to the user on their Manage my booking page.
affilParamsLocal storagePersistentThis cookie is used to store necessary information related to the fact that you came to our website via a link on a website of one of our affiliate partners.
bookingcom_extension_defaultLocal storagePersistentThis cookie allows us to remember your 'Check accommodation with' option preference.
initial_loadLocal storagePersistentInternal cookie used by our developers to track various information related to the loading of our website.
newsletterFormFilledLocal storagePersistentThis cookie allows us to remember that the newsletter subscription form was filled.
PPaffilidPromoCodeSession storageSessionThis cookie is used to store necessary information related to the fact that you came to our website via a link on a website of one of our affiliate partners.
PPtransportTypeORSession storageSessionThis cookie is used to store necessary information related to the fact that you came to our website via a link on a website of one of our affiliate partners.
PPtripTypeSession storageSessionThis cookie is used to store necessary information related to the fact that you came to our website via a link on a website of one of our affiliate partners.
gtm_line_car-afSession storageSessionThis cookie is used to store necessary information related to the fact that you came to our website via a link on a website of one of our affiliate partners.
gtm_line_car-cidSession storageSessionThis cookie is used to store necessary information related to the fact that you came to our website via a link on a website of one of our affiliate partners.
searchExtensionSession storageSessionThis cookie allows us to remember if you already searched with the 'Check accommodation with' option and disables it for future searches in the current session.
sessionIdSession storageSessionPreserves the visitor's session state across page requests.
utilsPageCountSession storageSessionUsed to store technical information necessary to trigger various advertising campaigns on our website.
utilsUtm_sourceSession storageSessionUsed to store information necessary to trigger various scripts across our website.
voucherIDSession storageSessionThis cookie is used to store necessary information related to the fact that you came to our website via a link on a website of one of our affiliate partners and the fact that you used a voucher while paying for your trip.
forterCookie400 daysUsed for fraud prevention and protection


FPAUCookie90 daysThis cookie assigns a specific identificator to the user, which counts the number of subsequent visits for the purpose of analytics.
FPIDCookie400 daysThis cookie registers statistical data on user's behaviour for the purpose of analytics.
FPLCCookie1 dayThis cookie assigns a specific identificator to the user, which enables us to observe behavior for the purpose of analytics.
IDECookie365 daysUsed by Google Marketing Platform to measure the efficacy of an ad by registering and reporting user's actions.
SL_C_#_DOMAINCookieSessionCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website which is used for analytics.
SL_C_#_KEYCookie390 daysThese cookies allow us to see the exact path that our users take while browsing through our website.
SL_C_#_SIDCookie390 daysThese cookies allow us to see the exact path that our users take while browsing through our website.
SL_C_#_VIDCookie390 daysThese cookies allow us to see the exact path that our users take while browsing through our website.
_clckCookie365 daysMicrosoft Clarity collects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website. We use this cookie to compile statistical reports and heatmaps. This specific cookie is used to store a unique user ID.
_clskCookie1 daySet by Microsoft Clarity. This cookie is used to store and combine pageviews by a user into a single session record.
_cltkCookieSessionSet by Microsoft Clarity. Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics.
_dc_gtm_UA-#Cookie1 dayUsed by Google Tag Manager to control the loading of a Google Analytics script tag.
_gaCookie400 daysUsed by Google Analytics to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It's included in each page request on a site and used to calculate visitor, session, and campaign data for the site's analytics reports.
_ga_#Cookie400 daysUsed by Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit.
_gac_UA-#Cookie90 daysUsed for click tracking when using auto-tagging in Google Ads.
_gatCookie1 dayThis cookie is used to throttle the number of requests that the website allows, and filters them to ensure the stability and operability of the website.
_gat_gtag_UA_#CookieSessionUsed by Google Analytics to collect statistical data on the website visits.
_gcl_auCookie90 daysUsed by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services.
_gcl_awCookie90 daysUsed by the conversion linker for click information. Conversion linker tags are used to help tags measure click data so that conversions are measured effectively.
_gidCookie1 dayThis cookie is used by Google Universal Analytics, and it stores and updates a unique value for each page visited.
_parsely_visitorCookie30 daysUsed by to assign an anonymous user identifier which is used to track new vs. returning visitors.
collectCookieSessionUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
fs_uidCookie365 daysThis cookie contains an ID string on the current session. This cookie contains non-personal information on what subpages the visitor enters – this information is used to optimize the visitor's experience.
google_click_idCookie180 daysThis cookie is a collects data about user interaction with an advertisement.
gtmSplitVarCookie400 daysUsed by Google Analytics to gather data about user's interactions with the website which is then used for the purpose of analytics.
logglytrackingsessionCookieSessionThis cookie is used to track errors during users's session and report them.
pagead/1p-user-list/#CookieSessionThis cookie tracks user's interest in products or events across multiple websites for the purpose of analytics.
smartlook_ban_expireCookiePersistentIt collects information on user preferences and/or interaction with web-campaign content for analytical purposes.
smartlook_ban_reasonCookiePersistentThis cookie is used to detect errors and send error information to support staff, which use this information for the purpose of improving stability of the website.
utag_mainCookie365 daysThis cookie helps us track the usage of our websites and improve the accuracy of analytical data.
utm_mediumCookie400 daysDetects the form of the medium by which the user has accessed the website for analytics purposes, e.g. whether it was by clicking on a banner, email link, etc.
utm_sourceCookie400 daysThis cookie determines the origin from which the user has accessed the website and is used to evaluate the success of marketing campaigns.
SL_L_#_KEYLocal storagePersistentThis cookie gathers statistical data about how visitors use the website, such as the number of visits and the average time spent on the website.
SL_L_#_RECORDINGS_BEACON_DATALocal storagePersistentThese cookies gather statistical data about how visitors use the website, such as the number of visits and the average time spent on the website.
SL_L_#_SIDLocal storagePersistentThese cookies gather statistical data about how visitors use the website, such as the number of visits and the average time spent on the website.
SL_L_#_VIDLocal storagePersistentThese cookies gather statistical data about how visitors use the website, such as the number of visits and the average time spent on the website.
TDeeclocIDLocal storagePersistentUsed by Google Analytics to enable the enhanced ecommerce tracking feature.
_fs_uidLocal storagePersistentThis cookie contains an ID string on the current session. This cookie contains non-personal information on what subpages the visitor enters – this information is used to optimize the visitor's experience.
isSandboxSession storageSessionUsed to store technical information about sandbox environment for analytical purposes.
firebaseCookie400 daysUsed for optimisations of our Google Ads and for product analytics


ANONCHKCookie1 dayUsed by Microsoft Clarity to register data on visitors from multiple visits and on multiple websites. This information is used to measure the efficiency of advertisement on websites.
CLIDCookie365 daysUsed by Microsoft Clarity to collect data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps.
MUIDCookie365 daysThis cookie enables user tracking by synchronising the assigned ID across different Microsoft domains.
PHPSESSIDCookieSessionPreserves user session state across page requests.
SMCookieSessionThis cookie registers a unique ID that tracks return visits to our website, as well as visits to different websites which use the same ad network, resulting in targeted advertisements.
SRM_BCookie365 daysTracks the user’s interaction with the website’s search-bar-function for marketing purposes.
__inf_etc__Cookie400 daysThis cookie is generated by our marketing CRM tool, Exponea, which helps us collect information about our users for marketing purposes.
__inf_last_session_ping_timestamp__CookiePersistentThis cookie is generated by our marketing CRM tool, Exponea, which helps us collect information about our users for marketing purposes.
__inf_last_session_start_timestamp__CookiePersistentThis cookie is generated by our marketing CRM tool, Exponea, which helps us collect information about our users for marketing purposes.
__inf_time2__Cookie1 dayThis cookie is generated by our marketing CRM tool, Exponea, which helps us collect information about our users for marketing purposes. Manages timestamp offset between browser and server time.
__inf_tracking_definition__CookieSessionThis cookie is generated by our marketing CRM tool, Exponea, which helps us collect information about our users for marketing purposes.
_ctuidCookie90 daysUsed by Clicktripz which is an advertisement network which allows us to show you advertisement across different sites around the internet.
_fbcCookie400 daysUsed by Facebook to store information about the visitor who land on our page via an ad displayed on Facebook.
_fbpCookie90 daysUsed by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.
_uetsidCookie1 dayUsed by Bing Ads to collect data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement.
_uetsid_expCookiePersistentUsed by Bing Ads to collect data on visitor behavior from multiple websites in order to present more relevant advertisement.
_uetvidCookie365 daysUsed by Bing Ads to collect data on visitor behavior from multiple websites in order to present more relevant advertisement.
ads/ga-audiencesCookieSessionUsed by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on the visitor's online behaviour across websites.
api/advertisers/v1/profCookieSessionUsed by Clicktripz which is an advertisement network which allows us to show you advertisement across different sites around the internet.
c.gifCookieSessionUsed by Microsoft Clarity to collect data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps.
cdo/cdxs/r20.gifCookieSessionUsed by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services.
criteo_write_testCookie1 dayCriteo is an advertisement network that helps us display ads on third-party websites that you visit.
cto_idcpyCookie180 daysThis cookie sets a unique identifier for the user, which allows third parties to provide the user with relevant and targeted advertisements.
cto_lwidCookie180 daysThis cookie provides user information which is used to display advertisements on third-party websites that the user visits.
cto_sidCookieSessionThis cookie provides user information which is used to display advertisements on third-party websites that the user visits.
exponeaCookie400 daysUsed for optimisation of user experience and CRM communication
facebookCookie400 daysUsed for optimisations of our Facebook Ads
firebaseCookie400 daysUsed for optimisations of our Google Ads and for product analytics
frCookie90 daysThis cookie is used to deliver advertisement products.
im_puidCookie390 daysUsed by Intent Media to facilitate showing third party display advertisements.
im_snidCookieSessionUsed by Intent Media to facilitate showing third party display advertisements.
intent_media_prefsCookie400 daysUsed by Intent Media to facilitate showing third party display advertisements.
pagead/landingCookieSessionThis cookie tracks user's behavior from multiple websites in order to present more relevant advertisements.
trCookieSessionThis cookie is used to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.
xnpe_#Cookie400 daysThis cookie collects data from the user, to optimize advertisement relevance.
TD_bookingIDSession storageSessionThis cookie stores the identification number of your booking for analytical and marketing purposes.
TD_priceInEuroSession storageSessionThis cookie stores information about the preferred currency for analytical and marketing purposes.
eecDepartureAirportSession storageSessionUsed by Google Analytics to enable the enhanced ecommerce tracking feature.
eecDepartureDateSession storageSessionUsed by Google Analytics to enable the enhanced ecommerce tracking feature.
eecDestinationAirportSession storageSessionUsed by Google Analytics to enable the enhanced ecommerce tracking feature.
eecReturnDateSession storageSessionUsed by Google Analytics to enable the enhanced ecommerce tracking feature.
trackingDataSession storageSessionUsed to store various information necessary for our internal analytical and marketing purposes.

Other tracking technologies used in our app (SDKs)


SentryFunctional SoftwareUsed to monitor and report technical issues of the appiOS app & Android app
ForterForterUsed for fraud prevention and protectioniOS app & Android app
Google play services authGoogleUsed for authentication for Google Play servicesAndroid app


FirebaseGoogleUsed for optimizations of our Google Ads and for product analyticsiOS app & Android app
FullStoryFullStoryVisual analysis of user flowsiOS app & Android app


FirebaseGoogleUsed for optimizations of our Google Ads and for product analyticsiOS app & Android app
ExponeaBloomreachUsed for optimization of user experience and CRM communicationiOS app & Android app
FacebookMetaUsed for optimizations of our Facebook AdsiOS app & Android app

Cookies used by our partners

During your booking journey, you may, depending on your selected itinerary, interact with the domain of Ryanair in order to finalize your booking. Where this is the case, Ryanair will use cookies necessary for the functionality of their website accessed as part of the booking journey. Data collected through these cookies on Ryanair’s websites will be used by Ryanair only and will not be shared with If you have already customized your cookie preferences on any of Ryanair’s websites, please be aware that these preferences will not be shared with us and will not apply when accessing these domains through For more information on Ryanair’s Cookie and Privacy Policy please see Ryanair’s Privacy Policy and Ryanair’s Cookie Policy.


fr-correlation-id8 daysTracks an anonymous user session between internal Ryanair services. This cookie is dropped only when redirecting to website.
Mkt365 daysEnables the browser to remember the market for a specific user on This cookie is dropped only when redirecting to website.
storage_preferences365 daysStores the preferences of the cookie categories for the Ryanair website. This cookie is dropped only when redirecting to website.

Transferring your data outside of the European Economic Area

If we need to, we may transfer your Personal Data outside of the EEA. This will happen when you want to book a ticket with a carrier from a Third Country or when you order a service from a provider based in a Third Country. Naturally, we need to transfer your data to these third parties because without it, the provision of ordered services would not be possible. We may also transfer your Personal Data outside of the EEA to Data Processors located in Third Countries.

For transfers to recipients in countries where we cannot rely on the decision of the adequate level of protection according to Art. 45 of the GDPR or appropriate safeguards according to the Art. 46 of the GDPR, we will transfer your Personal Data based on the exception in the Art. 49 Para. 1 Lett. b) of the GDPR. Each selected carrier or service provider will treat Your Personal Data in accordance with its own Privacy Policy (which is published on every carrier's website). Disclosure of Personal Data to other service providers will be done in accordance with the applicable Personal Data laws and regulations.

Complaint with the supervisory authority

Data Protection is a serious matter and the rules are quite difficult to implement correctly. No one is perfect, and it may happen that we make a mistake. If you feel that we mishandled your Personal Data, please turn to us first and we promise that we will try our best to resolve the situation. You can always approach us with any privacy or data protection related issue through this form:

Nevertheless, at any time, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. If you are from the EU, you can complain at the authority in the member state of your residence, in the member state where you work or in the member state of the alleged infringement.

Generally, the complaints will be handled by the Czech Office for Personal Data Protection. You can learn more on

If you are a US customer, please refer to the section "Specifics for Residents of Selected States" below to learn if there are any particular provisions that apply to you regarding the submission of a complaint.

Contacting us and exercising your rights

To exercise your rights related to your Personal Data, you can use this form:

Specifics for residents of selected countries

No matter where you live, we assure your privacy is protected. For selected countries and states, there are some differences and supplements to this Privacy Policy, which might be applicable to you under conditions specified here.

For customers of, Inc.

In some cases specified in our Terms and Conditions (i.e. you are US Consumer under the criteria specified in our Terms and Conditions), our services are provided to you through our US company. If that is your case the following specific provisions are applicable to the processing of your Personal Data.

Your Personal Data is processed by company, Inc., with a registered office at 1221 Brickell Avenue, Suite 1115, Miami, Florida, 33131, United States, as a Data Controller. Company s.r.o. operates as a Data Processor and all other Data Processors specified in this Privacy Policy operate as Data Sub-Processors.

These specific provisions do not apply to the processing of Personal Data for all the purposes related to Users and for the purpose of “User account — saved traveler” where the Personal Data are processed by s.r.o.

For residents of California

These specific provisions are applicable to you if you are a resident of California.

We comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (the “CCPA”) which sets the highest privacy and data protection standards in the United States. For information about our processing of your Personal Data, you can always check out this Privacy Policy.

You have a right to request information on how we process your Personal Data and be provided with their copy. We will provide you with the first two copies in a 12-month period for free. You also have a right to request the deletion or correction of your Personal Data. You can find more information about your rights and how to exercise them in this Privacy Policy (sections ‘How to access and control your Personal Data?’ and ‘Contacting us and exercising your rights’).

If you decide to exercise any of your rights, we will require you to verify your identity, e.g., by proving your ownership of your email address. If your rights are requested by an authorized agent, we will require your written authorization and the verification of your and the agent’s identity. We will never discriminate against you or treat you unfavorably because you exercised any of your rights.

We may offer you a financial incentive in the form of a coupon, credits, or any other form of discount in exchange for your subscription to marketing messages. The specifics of the particular incentive shall be displayed to you as a part of the offer to subscribe. We deem the value of your subscription to be equal to the value of incentive provided to you based on our assumption of additional spending. If you decide to accept our offer, you may always cancel it without any limitations of your rights. You can find more information in this Privacy Policy (section ‘For what purposes do we use your Personal Data?’).

We do not sell your Personal Information within the meaning of CCPA.

For residents of Virginia, Texas, Connecticut, Colorado, Utah, and Montana:

You can exercise the rights you have under your respective state privacy laws (data correction, data deletion, etc.) by submitting a request to us. You can find more information about your rights and how to exercise them in this Privacy Policy (sections 'How to Access and Control Your Personal Data?' and 'Contacting Us and Exercising Your Rights').

We will respond to your request promptly, within the maximum period set by your state legislation. Please note that we may extend this period if necessary, based on the complexity and number of requests received. In such a case, we would notify you within the initial response period and provide reasons for the extension.

We will respond to your request free of charge in the following cases:

  • If you are a resident of Virginia and you ask for information for the first or second time in a year.
  • If you are a resident of Connecticut, Colorado, Utah, or Montana and you ask for information for the first time within any twelve-month period.
  • If you are a resident of Texas, we will provide you with information free of charge at least twice a year.

Please note that in some cases, we may charge a fee or even decline your request. However, we will only do so on the grounds set by the law to which you are subject (e.g., if the requests are manifestly unfounded or the primary purpose is not to exercise a right).

You can appeal our decision regarding your request in the same manner you sent us the request. We will respond to your appeal as soon as possible, no later than by the deadline set by the state law that applies to you.

If you are a resident of Connecticut, Montana, or Texas and we deny your appeal, you may submit a complaint to the Attorney General. We will provide you with the online mechanism or another method of contact through which you can contact the Attorney General to submit a complaint. If you are from Colorado and have concerns about the appeal's outcome, you may also contact the Attorney General.

We may process your Personal Data for the purpose of targeted advertising, but you can easily opt out of this data processing via this link:, under the section "Marketing & Advertisement."

We respect your privacy and will never discriminate against you or treat you unfavorably because you have exercised any of your rights.

We do not sell your Personal Data to any third party, nor do we engage in profiling that would result in decisions producing legal or similarly significant effects for you.

Data Protection Officer

With regard to all issues related to processing of your Personal Data and to the exercise of your rights related to your Personal Data, you may also contact our Data Protection Officer.

View contact details.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

As our business evolves, the way we process Personal Data might change as well. In case of such changes, we will also update this Privacy Policy to comply with the principles of transparency. If future changes affect you, we will notify you via email.

This Privacy Policy is effective from October 3rd, 2024.

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