How to use mobile app

To change currency, go to "Profile" in the bottom menu, scroll down, and tap "App Settings"

To use a different language, change the language settings of your smartphone. It is not possible to change it in the app. 

Contact details 
Sign in to contact us. You can also find our contact numbers on your e-ticket.

E-ticket and invoice
To download your e-ticket or invoice, go to "Bookings", open a particular trip, scroll down, and tap "Other".
You’ll also receive the e-ticket and invoice in your booking confirmation email.
Boarding passes or tickets
To access your boarding passes or tickets, go to "Bookings", open a particular trip, and tap "Tickets" under Trip info
You'll also receive your boarding passes or tickets via email.
Booking made with a different email
If you're logged in and need to access a booking made with a different email address, you'll first need to sign out.

Go to "Profile" and tap "Sign out" on the top right corner. Then you can sign back in with the new email address.

Cancel a trip or ask for refund
To check cancellation and refund possibilities, go to "Bookings", open a particular trip, scroll down, and tap "Other".

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