How to add or change baggage

You can add baggage when you book your trip, or you can add it later by signing in to your account.

Adding baggage

You can add baggage when you book the trip, or later in your account. This is possible up to 36 hours before your trip.

The price depends on the carriers and the conditions of each booking. You’ll always see it next to each baggage option. 
It's generally cheaper to add baggage during booking because most carriers increase the price later. Depending on your service package, we might also charge a processing fee for additional services added later.

Adding baggage for part of your trip

Our website only offers baggage for the whole itinerary. If you only want to add it for part of your trip, reach out to our customer support. Our agents will check the possibility with the carriers for you. 

Changing baggage

Once you add baggage, it’s not possible to transfer it to another passenger or remove it. However, it might be possible to upgrade to more pieces or kilos if this is offered by the carriers in your booking.
If you're sure that the carriers in your booking offer an upgrade and you don’t see it in your booking at, please contact our customer support.

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