How does's online check-in work?

If you added our check-in service, all you need to do is provide us with your details at least 24h before departure, and we'll take care of the rest.

What exactly do I need to do?

You’ll need to provide your travel document details, which are required by the airlines. Add them in your trip page as soon as you can — it’s possible up to 24h before departure.
We’ll only ask you for the details required by the airlines. Read more in What documents do I need for check-in?

What happens when I give you the details?

Once we have your details, we’ll wait for the airline to open their online check-in. They usually open it a day or two before departure, but it varies for each airline. 
We’ll then automatically check you in and send you your boarding pass. We’ll notify you when it’s ready.
Read more in How will I get my boarding pass?

What if I don’t add the details up to 24h before departure?

You’ll have to check in directly with the airlines. In some cases, you might have difficulties checking in with them, so we recommend adding the details before our deadline.
⚠️ Some low-cost airlines charge a fee to check you in at the airport. It can be as much as €55 per passenger.

What if you don’t check me in?

You’ll need to check in directly with the airlines. If we offer to check you in and fail, and you don’t manage to check in with the airline online, you'll need to do so at the airport.
If you’re charged at the airport, keep the receipt. We can reimburse you for the fee. Check this article for more info.
You’ll find the terms of our check-in service in our Terms and Conditions, article 5.10.

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