What trip refund options do I have?

Your refund options depend on whether the carrier canceled your trip, or if it’s you who cancels.

Whether or not you have the Kiwi.com Guarantee also affects the options available to you, especially in cases where your trip has been canceled by the carriers.

If you need to cancel your trip

You can cancel your trip up to 48 hours before its scheduled departure, and still be eligible for a refund. Your refund will depend on the ticket type you picked when booking your trip, and will either be in Kiwi.com Credit or sent back to your original form of payment.  
To stay covered in case of medical issues, you should add travel insurance. The insurance provider usually compensates your expenses if you can't travel because of medical reasons.
You can also cancel directly through the carrier. Their policies differ, and we can’t guarantee how much you’d receive. If they can provide you with a refund, they’ll either send it to you, or send it to us on your behalf. If you know the carrier will send your refund to us,  you can speed up the process by sending us a message to let us know

If the carriers cancel or change your trip

When your trip or a part of it has been canceled or changed by the carriers, your refund options depend on whether or not you have the Kiwi.com Guarantee. 

If you have the Kiwi.com Guarantee, we’ll issue you a full refund for the unused parts of your trip. We’ll either refund you in Kiwi.com Credit, which you can use for future bookings, or via your original payment method.
If your itinerary gets disrupted less than 48h before the start of your trip, you can choose how to receive the refund. If it happens earlier, we’ll send it to you in Kiwi.com Credit. Read more about the Kiwi.com Guarantee here.
Without the Kiwi.com Guarantee, we'll only offer you an assisted refund, which means we’ll request a refund from the carriers on your behalf. Please note that a refund might not always be possible, and that some carriers don’t provide monetary compensation. 
Carriers usually provide a full refund for canceled trips, but their policies differ — some carriers only refund in vouchers, or they don’t refund at all. We recommend checking their policy beforehand to know what to expect.
If a refund is possible, you should expect to receive it within 3 to 6 months. You can check your refund status by logging into your account, opening your trip, and clicking Refunds and cancellations
If you don’t want to handle your refund through us, you can apply for it directly with the carriers.

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